6 Easy Ways to Reduce BPA Exposure

Bisephenol A (BPA) is a synthetic chemical used in to make polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. BPA is also an endocrine disruptor that mimics estrogen and has been linked to many health concerns, including Infertility. Despite hundreds of studies demonstrating that even limited exposure to BPA can cause drastic adverse effects on our health, the FDA has yet to limit or ban the use of BPA in consumer products.  The CDC found BPA in 93% of adults and children tested in 2003-04

If you are trying to conceive you will want to be especially aware of limiting BPA exposure. In 2012 Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study of women undergoing In Vitro Fertilization that confirmed that women with higher BPA levels had fewer eggs retrieved, a lower number of eggs fertilized and a higher implant failure rate. Additional studies have shown these same results. 

While reducing BPA exposure can seem overwhelming because it is so widely used, a few simple changes can have a big impact on amount of BPA you are exposed to on a daily basis. Here are 6 easy ways to reduce BPA exposure:

  1. Store and heat food in glass, metal, ceramic, or paper containers.  Once polycarbonate plastic is damaged through heat, harsh cleaners or age it can leach BPA into food that it comes into contact with.  

  2. Replace your drip coffee maker with a french press.  In a traditional drip coffee maker, hot water is constantly coming into contact with the plastic inside the machine and BPA can leach into the water. With a french press, the water only comes into contact with glass and metal. 

  3. Choose glass, stainless steel or BPA free water bottles.

  4. Avoid using canned goods. This is a tough one, but when possible choose an item that comes fresh or packaged in a glass jar. Unless the can states BPA free, it most likely has an epoxy resin lining that is made with BPA and can leach into the product. 

  5. Reduce skin exposure to receipts. Thermal paper is coated with BPA and when transferred onto your fingers, can absorb into your skin. Those who must handle thermal paper receipts for work are most affected. Handle receipts as little as possible and wash your hands after exposure. 

  6. Prepare fresh meals at home. Meals served at restaurants, processed and pre-packaged convenience foods tend to have higher levels of BPA.

Though completely eliminating exposure to BPA is impossible, you can greatly reduce the amount of BPA that makes it into your system by making lifestyle and product changes. Your body will thank you!


